Different Types
Of Massage

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Most of us are familiar with the image of a traditional massage table and oils. However, massage doesn’t fit into just one category. There are dozens upon dozens of variations, sometimes even within one subset of massage.

These different types of massages and methods are called modalities. Modalities have been developed to target specific problems or areas of concerns to get tailored results.


The Way To Health Is To Have An Aromatic Bath & A Scented Massage Every Day

- hippocrates


Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage integrates essential oils into the massage experience. The use of essential oils dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where they often gave scented.


Craniosacral Therapy

For those looking for a gentle and non-invasive experience, craniosacral therapy may be the right fit. If you’re shy about taking off your clothes in front of a stranger, all the better.


Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage focuses on relieving severe muscle tension. It’s especially effective if you have musculoskeletal disorders, postural problems, or chronic muscle pain and tension.


The Way To Health Is To Have An Aromatic Bath & A Scented Massage Every Day

- hippocrates


Hot Stone Massage

Hoping for some novelty in your massage experience. Hot stone massage stands out from the rest. The massage therapist places hot stones on the your body and often uses them to give the massage.


Myofascial Massage

Despite its potentially misleading name, myofascial massage isn’t actually related to your face. It’s related to fascia, a tissue that holds all your organs, arteries, bones, and muscles.

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