Me, too! You'll never believe what was going on with me!

It's been a long time! I'm so happy you're feeling better!

My pharmacist got
on a call with me and helped me discover the problem.

What?! How did
you find out?

Two of my medications were interacting and making me super sick.

Yeah - I didn't know about it either, but
it's a no-cost service that's part of my health plan. 

I didn't know pharmacists did that.


One doesn't know what another one is prescribing. Think about it. Does your heart doctor know when you start a new medication with your allergy doctor?

I have a few different doctors I see. They're each great, but doctors don't always talk to each other.

The pharmacist discovered that two of my medications were basically doing the same thing. So my blood pressure was too low and it made me feel lightheaded and awful. After confirming with my doctor, we stopped one of them, which saves me forty dollars a month AND I feel great!


I recommend it. I need you to stay healthy so I can keep embarrassing you on the tennis court. 

Maybe I should do that, too. I have a lot of prescriptions. 

A short call with a pharmacist can help you make sure all your medications are working right for you.