Worst Chewing Habits

The mouth, not the stomach, is where digestion starts. Chewing lowers meal size and stimulates salivary glands, says Johanna P. Salazar, MS, RDN, creator of Healing Nutrition.

Heartburn hurts. Chewing increases gastric acid. This helps digestion. Salazar believes your stomach won't have enough acid if you don't chew fully.

Heartburn hurts. Chewing increases gastric acid. This helps digestion. Salazar believes your stomach won't have enough acid if you don't chew fully.

Insufficient chewing hurts the intestines. The pancreas secretes enzymes and the gallbladder releases bile when food enters the small intestine. Both break down food, but to a limited extent. 

Chewing helps the body break down macronutrients into monosaccharides, amino acids, and fatty acids, according to Salazar. Small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed, absorbs these compounds.

Don't overthink counting chomps for each mouthful. Chew till food is liquified, like baby food. Dr. Rao believes well chewed food has lost all texture.

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